Historical Disney Rapunzel Digital Painting Work In Progress: Part 1
Started on my next big project. I've been trying to push my work to the next level. I think one of my personal challenges as an artist is detail. I feel a lot of the time I can't find that happy medium between too little detail and too much detail. If there's not enough detail should the shadows and textures compromise for it? Most of the time I feel like my work needs more detail. I like to think one day I'll develop some clever formula for building well balanced art. So, for my latest endeavor I've taken one of my previous drawings. Originally, I had drawn a fabric study, but I'm thinking this drawing can be taken to the next level. Since Disney's Rapunzel takes place roughly during the same period of my fabric study piece, I thought I'd push my old drawing further. I'm now creating a digital painting of my old fabric study. This will also be my first digital painting. My previous illustrations started out in Illustrator. I usually vector all the shapes, save as layers, and then save the layers to Photoshop. This routine is great for small simple illustrations, but it's time to broaden my horizons!
My original drawing. My focus for this was originally shading and folds.
Starting to outline and make some changes to fit the "Rapunzel" theme. At this point I get conflicted about whether or not to add more detail to the bodice area :/
Image from Grzegorz Rutkowski's Deviant Art Page. I in no way own this image.
If you find yourself wanting to dive into the digital painting world, I HIGHLY recommend Grzegorz Rutkowski's brush set. I have searched far and wide for the perfect brush set and this one takes the gold. His set is perfect for both initial sketching and finishing. If you haven't seen his work you need to check it out on Deviant Art. The texture and detail is absolutely stunning!
We'll see how it turns out! Stay tuned!